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Cardiovascular (Heart) Diseases: Types and Treatments
By curebridge

Cardiovascular (Heart) Diseases: Types and Treatments

Are you struggling with mild pain in your chest? Scared that it might be a heart attack. Well, it might or might not be as well.  Your mild chest pain might not always indicate an upcoming heart attack. There might be some underlying medical condition needing your immediate attention. A thorough understanding of cardiology will offer you a good idea of Cardiovascular (Heart) Diseases.



What Is Cardiology?

Cardiology is a medical science that concentrates on treating the heart and other Cardiovascular conditions. The treatment typically needs special supervision on congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease, and more. A detailed study on Cardiovascular (Heart) Diseases will help you get the subject of cardiology in depth.


What Are Cardiovascular (Heart) Diseases? 

According to cardiology, Cardiovascular (Heart) Diseases (CVD) describe heart diseases associated with the blood vessels. In this medical situation, the blood flow to the heart, the body, and the brain significantly reduce. 


The primary cause is the fat deposits inside the artery, which might have caused the hardening and narrowing down of the veins. Patients may also face cardiovascular disease because of blood clots (thrombosis). 


Cardiology: What Are The Types Of Cardiovascular (Heart) Diseases?

In accordance with cardiology, these are the four types of Cardiovascular (Heart) Diseases.

Coronary Heart Disease 

A patient undergoes coronary heart disease when the blood supply is disrupted because of fat buildup in the coronary arteries(the significant blood vessels that supply your heart with blood). When there is a restriction in the blood flow, the patient might experience angina(chest pains). When the arteries get entirely blocked, the patient suffers a heart attack.



A difficult medical situation where the blood fails to reach the brain cells effortlessly. Every organ requires an adequate amount of oxygen and nutrient supply to perform. Blood is the ultimate source of transporting oxygen and nutrients to every organ. So, when there is a restriction, brain cells begin to wither and ultimately stop functioning. The outcome causes one’s brain to die, leading to death. This grave medical situation requires immediate supervision. The sooner, the better chance of recovery.

What may happen if a patient survives a stroke

Face-The face may pull down at one side, making the individual unable to smile. Sometimes, the patient might suffer from a drooping down mouth or eye.

Arms– If a person experiences a stroke, it might make them unable to lift their arm. They might also suffer from keeping their arms stay raised because of facing constant weakness or numbness. 

Speech– If the person has suffered a stroke, the human might experience slurred or garbled speech facing issues with putting down a regular speech and talking all together.


Peripheral Arterial Disease 

This medical condition typically occurs when the patient suffers from a blockage in the arteries to the body parts, commonly the legs. Individuals experiencing Peripheral Arterial Disease generally notice pains while walking, usually in one or both thighs, calves, and hips. One might sense a cramp around the leg muscles, which might not be constant. 


Aortic Disease

The aorta is the longest blood vessel in the human body, circulating blood from the heart to the rest of the body. The typical Aortic disease is an Aortic aneurysm where the blood vessel’s wall weakens, bulging outward. Here the patient typically experiences chest pain. In some cases, the human might also experience pain in the abdomen. 


Are Cardiovascular (Heart) Diseases Preventive?

A study on cardiology shows that most deaths occurring because of cardiovascular disease are premature. And the report suggests each of the casualties was preventable only by living a healthy lifestyle. The statistics show around 1-3 premature deaths in men and 1-5 premature deaths in women occur annually because of Cardiovascular (Heart) Diseases.


What Causes Cardiovascular (Heart) Diseases?

If you don’t want to get diagnosed with Cardiovascular (Heart) Diseases, then you better have a check on –



If there is an unchecked rise in blood sugar levels, there is a high chance of you getting Type 1 and 2 diabetes which can generously damage the blood vessels. 



Cholesterol can narrow the blood vessels, restricting smooth blood flow and clotting blood. 


Poor choice of diet-

If you consume highly fat-packed food, you might increase fat accumulation in your body once again, increasing the chance of fat deposits inside the arteries.


Gaining unnecessary weight-

People who are obese or overweight tend to risk their life with Cardiovascular (Heart) Disease.



When you are stressing a lot, you tend to raise your blood pressure. If you worry, you may increase excess hormone secretion as well, which may also increase the blood sugar level in the body. 


Having a family history

People who have Cardiovascular (Heart) Diseases in their genes are highly at risk of inviting this heart dysfunction.


Lacking an active lifestyle

One must always consider an active lifestyle to increase movement and check the chance of getting fat in the body. A stagnant lifestyle is prone to attract not only heart disorders but also other significant health malfunctions if not taken care of seriously.


Tobacco consumption

Tobacco is a stupendous toxin item sold with a cautionary note. The poison stored in tobacco has the potency to narrow the arteries and damage the vessels entirely. Therefore smokers generally welcome Cardiovascular (Heart) Diseases. 


Prominent Symptoms of Cardiovascular (Heart) Diseases You Need to Pay Attention

According to cardiology, not every chest pain is related to the heart. However, some chest pain might indicate some massive underlying heart disease. So, if you find any of these symptoms recurring from time to time, then you better consult a medical professional-

So if you are experiencing

  • Pain throughout the body,
  • Shortness of breath,
  • Feeling lightheadedness
  • Chest pain(Angina)
  • Experiencing nauseated


To understand the level of deterioration your heart might be experiencing, medical practitioners advise performing specific tests such as-

  • Blood tests
  • A treadmill tests
  • A CT Scan
  • An MRI Scan
  • Coronary Angiography


N.B- The professionals recommend a lifestyle change. However, if the situation is complex, the doctors typically prescribe your specific medications, angioplasty, and surgery.


While Concluding,

The subject of cardiology is enormous; however, the topics discussed here are standard unhealthy practices that lead to Cardiovascular (Heart) Diseases. Better stop your search for a ‘cardiology hospital near me’ since CureBridge is your answer.  If you see any of the symptoms frequently recurring every month, it is better to talk with the cardiology department from CureBridge and fix an appointment. The quicker you speak to a doctor, the greater the chance of recovery. Therefore call CureBridge right now!!

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  • January 21, 2023

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