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Wednesday 22nd January 2025
Chronic Kidney Disease – Diagnosis and Treatment
By curebridge

Chronic Kidney Disease – Diagnosis and Treatment

Kidney disease is a critical health condition that occurs primarily due to high blood pressure and elevated blood sugar levels. Around 3-4 cases of kidney issues are recorded every day. A damaged kidney can lead to other health problems; therefore, a thorough understanding of the kidney, the recurring and prominent symptoms, and the whole process of Kidney treatment will give you a clear picture of what the patient is/will be dealing with. On that note-


What Is a Kidney?

The kidney is a pair of significant organs that undertake one of the essential functions of the human living body mechanism, i.e., the excretion process. The kidneys are responsible for excreting out the excess water from the blood in the form of urine to maintain a balance in bodily chemicals(calcium, potassium, and sodium). 


The other important function of the kidney is manufacturing essential hormones(erythropoietin, renin, and calcitriol), which regulate blood pressure while stimulating the bone marrow to produce RBC(Red Blood Cells).


Symptoms Of Acute Kidney Failure/Disease For Kidney Treatment

When there is a kidney problem, the patient might observe these symptoms listed here- 

  • Reduction in the quantity of urine, although occasionally urine output remains average
  • Fluid retention, causing swelling in your legs, ankles, or feet
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue
  • Confusion
  • Nausea
  • Weakness
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Chest pain or pressure
  • Seizures or coma in severe cases


N.B– A patient might not observe these symptoms in case of acute kidney failure. Acute kidney disease is only determined through lab results. 


4 FAQs on Chronic Kidney Diseases By The Medical Practioner for Kidney Treatment?

  • Is there any family history of the patient with kidney problems?
  • Does the patient often experience high blood pressure levels?
  • What Medicines are taken by the patient? (Several formulations might impact kidney functioning)
  • Is there any observable change in urination?


Kidney Treatment: The General Process Which is Followed

Based on the answers submitted by the patient, the doctor will move with a physical examination where the practitioner will check the signs of problems regarding high blood pressure or any heart disease. The doctor will also perform a neurological exam.


The patient will also be asked to take these medical exams to ensure proper Kidney Treatment

  • Urine Test- To find abnormalities that help identify the cause of kidney problems.
  • Blood Test-To check the waste product level, namely- creatinine and urea, in the blood.
  • Taking samples of kidney tissues for tests-A Kidney biopsy might be prescribed, where a piece of kidney tissue will be taken. This simple process involves inserting a thin needle(using anesthesia) through the skin into the kidney. Then the sample is further verified to understand the genuine cause behind the kidney problem. 
  • The Imaging Test- The process includes ultrasound to get a clear picture of the kidney’s structure and size.


Kidney treatment depends on the result evaluated from the above examinations performed. Also, there is no cure for acute kidney issues; the medications prescribed regarding the symptoms only assist in controlling the same. The medicines also help reduce the complications and slow down the severity of the situation. 


What Are The Complications Of Chronic Kidney Problems That Are Often Taken Care Of?

Well, there are some typical complications often observed. The kidney medications talked about here usually optimize the situation. So, what are the difficulties the doctors look out for?

  • Medicines to help with edema- To relieve water accumulation in different body parts.
  • Medicines for anemia- Patients might experience weakness and fatigue. The doctor prescribes supplements of the hormone erythropoietin (uh-rith-roe-POI-uh-tin), often including iron, to aid in producing adequate RBC. 
  • Medications to regulate cholesterol -Lowering the patient’s cholesterol(particularly bad cholesterol) is significant because high cholesterol might increase the risk of heart problems.
  • Medicines for bones- Intaking calcium and vitamin D can prevent the breaking/fracturing of bones. The doctor might also prescribe the patient to include a Phosphate binder to bring down phosphates in blood to safeguard the blood vessels from calcification(calcium build-up). This medication helps assuredly with Kidney treatment.
  • Medicines for controlling blood pressure- Blood pressure medication such as angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers are considered to ensure proper kidney functioning. 


What Are The Kidney Diseases Often Experienced?

Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are one of the common kidney diseases that often occurs when the urine comprises excess crystals forming elements(calcium, oxalate, and uric acid) than the typical capacity of the urine to dilute. 


Kidney Cysts

A kidney cyst is a fluid packed well-defined round pouch growing at the organ’s surface. However, there is a slight chance of it developing inside the kidney. This situation is caused because of kidney disorder and impaired kidney functioning. 


Kidney Infection

Kidney infection is a typical result of an entrance made by a specific type of bacteria(E.Coli) into the Urethra(the tube that outlets the urine). The Bacteria(E.coli) may go up to the bladder, causing cystitis moving up to the kidney. E.coli lives in the bowel, where the creatures survive a harmless intention.


What Is The Kidney Treatment For Chronic Kidney Failure?

In the case of a patient suffering from a chronic kidney issue, the Kidney treatment might involve-

Kidney Transplant

The method ensures replacing the unhealthy kidney with a healthy, immediately donated(either from a living/dead donor) kidney. Once the transplant is undertaken successfully, follow check-ups and maintain a strict check on the medication to live a healthy lifestyle.  



Kidney treatment involves the artificial excretion of waste/excess fluids from the body due to failed functions of the kidney; now, there are two types of dialysis-

  • Hemodialysis- A machine is responsible for filtering out the blood’s excess fluid and waste products.
  • Peritoneal Dialysis- A thin channel is inserted into the abdomen, filling the abdominal cavity with a dialysis solution that absorbs excess fluid and waste products, which drain out, extracting the waste.  


While Concluding,

Chronic Kidney disease is a severe unhealthy medical condition that, if not taken care of on time, might lead to other severe health problems. Therefore look for the symptoms and take expert opinions for dealing with them. Talking with the professionals from CureBridge is a great solution you should consider. So, why not pay a short visit to CureBridge right now and find out what this remarkable medical platform holds for you? Hope you have a happy day ahead!! 

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  • January 1, 2023

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