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Shin Pain After Knee Replacement | Causes
By curebridge

Shin Pain After Knee Replacement | Causes

A knee replacement is a necessary surgery that might affect the shin bone and cause a shin splint. A Shin splint is the pain that runs along the Tibia (the largest bone located at the front of the lower legs), i.e., shin bone. It is a common situation for runners/athletes, an individual with flat feet, military recruits, and dancers. A sudden intensive change in their practice sessions might cause a shin splint.

However, a shin splint after a knee replacement might denote some critical underlying situation. 

What Are The Scenarios That Cause Shin Splint After Knee Replacement?

  • After surgery, inflammation is quite common. So, the patient will experience pain around the knee joint and the Tibia.
  • Patients who underwent knee replacement did not rest for the required period and went on living a strenuous lifestyle are likely to experience shin splints. If the patient does not return to rest, the pain will grow severe.
  • Now, if the patient is experiencing numbing sensation around the Tibia, there is a high chance of having neural damage. Practically it is a common affair that needs medical supervision. 


Are There Any Other Reasons For Shin Spilnt?

If the patient receives repetitive stress on their Tibia and the adjacent muscles and tissues, it is a likable situation for a Shin splint. However, there are notable preventive measures that you must adopt to help yourself-


5 Effective Preventive Measures For Shin Splint

  • Your medical practitioner can guide you with the movement pattern after analyzing your typical movement technique. The recurring shin splint might be bothering you every now and then. However, you might need to find out the actual reason for the pain in the first place. So, here medical practitioner will help you through.
  • Pick the correct size of shoe if you are a runner. Additionally, ensure that you change the shoe after finishing every 350-500 miles.
  • It is better that you choose to cross-train. It puts optimal stress on the shin bone. Make sure you do the activity in a manageable amount of time; however, take it slowly and gradually.
  • Arch support prevents the pain of a shin splint, especially when there is a flat arch.
  • You must stock yourself up with a shock-absorbing insole; this prevents recurring shin splint symptoms. 


Why Do You Need A Knee Replacement?

Arthritis is the chief reason patients undergo knee surgery. They get the surgery to eliminate the repetitive pain while walking, getting up from a chair, or climbing the stairs. If only a part of the knee has incurred damage, the operation can replace the single portion. If the entire joint needs to be changed, the end section of the shinbone and thigh bone are reshaped and resurfaced. 

The structure of the bone is stiff tubes with a soft center. The ends of the artificial parts are inserted inside the more delicate portion of the bone. Now, if the patient has weak ligaments incapable of holding the joints together, the medical professional typically considers implants.


Knee Joint Replacement- The Surgery 

The operation runs for a maximum of 2 hours and includes-

  • The surgeon performs an incision exactly over the knee,
  • Takes out the damaged part while replacing the deceased bone with a healthy alternative. 
  • The surgeon adds implants to the thighbone, kneecap, and shinbone according to the requirement.


Knee Replacement- Before The Surgery,

There will be necessary modifications made. 

Meal choices- The patient will be ordered to not consume any meal after midnight the day before the surgery.

Medication- The medical associate might include supplements in your diet chart.

  • Mental preparation & Physical preparation- You have to arrange for a chauffeur to ride back home after your surgery and release from the hospital. Ensure that you change your household settings as well. Please talk with your medical assistance; they will precisely guide you in making those nesseccery changes. 


Knee Replacement- After The Surgery

Once the operation is complete, the surgeon will validate your resting days at the hospital and at home. In rare cases, the patients are released on the very day.

A probable risk after the surgery is getting blood clots. Therefore medical practitioners suggest

  • The patient engages in sit-ups and walks with crutches or a walker soon after knee surgery. 
  • The doctor might also prescribe oral blood thinners as an after-surgery measure. There are some factors, such as level of activity, need to walk, and more relatable actions, that heighten the risk of blood clotting. So, the patient might need a blood thinner for several weeks after the replacement. 
  • It is required to wear elastic compression stockings both before and after the knee operation. This measure keeps the blood from pooling in the leg veins, significantly reducing the chance of blood clotting. 


What Is Robotic Knee Replacement?

It is similar to regular replacement surgery. The only significant difference is that the surgery is executed with robotic assistance or a handheld robot arm. The surgery includes removing the affected area with the help of the robotic device and replacing the damaged knee with a new implanted one. The success rate is also around 100% showing a long-lasting result much better than the conventional method of knee surgery.            


What Is Partial Knee Replacement?          

As the name runs, it is the replacement only of the partial portion of the knee, which requires treatment. The surgery replaces either the medial part, the lateral part, or the knee cap part of the knee. When the entire knee is replaced, it is termed total knee surgery.  


Risk Involved- 


Neural damages

The implant placement can be damaging to the nerve ends. The damage can cause weakness, pain, and numbness.  


Blood clots

As already discussed, surgeons will prescribe blood thinning medication to tackle the risk. The most common area where patients experience blood clots after surgery is the legs. However, the blood clot can go up to the lungs and is sometimes fatal. 



Infection is highly likely to appear at the incision site. An infection can also occur around or in the deeper tissue as well. Surgery is the only solution. 

N.B- There are several times when the patient experiences a loose implant. In fact, there are times when the implants wear off over time. Again the only solution is to get another surgery.


While Wrapping Up

So, this is everything on knee replacement and shin splint. To receive a clear picture of the surgery, you better talk to your medical associate because every patient differs. Therefore, get in touch with Curebridge today for the best knee surgery advice, suggestions, and guidance. The top-notch facilities of CureBridge are here to aid you in solving your knee joint problem in the most effortless way possible.

So, if you are experiencing any type of discomfort, make an appointment at CureBridge right now!

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  • February 10, 2023

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