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Surgery That Replaces Diseased Liver With A Healthy Liver?
By curebridge

Surgery That Replaces Diseased Liver With A Healthy Liver?

Liver Transplant in India is a very crucial operation that needs preparation. An elementary overview denotes that the surgery is considered when the liver starts underperforming, which requires replacement, with a healthy, donated liver. 


What are The Major Functions Of the Liver?

It is the largest organ in the body that takes care of the

  • Producing bile. (Bile production promotes the absorption of fats, cholesterol, and fat-soluble vitamins).
  • Eliminating bacteria and toxins from the body.
  • Regulating the immune system and preventing the chance of getting infections.
  • Building proteins that stimulate blood clotting. 
  • The liver also processes adequate nutrients, hormones, and medications.


Who Should Choose Liver Transplant in India?

  • People suffering from persistent liver complications because of end-stage chronic liver disorder.
  • A sudden liver failure. Yes, there are numerous cases where the patient suddenly gets diagnosed with a liver failure condition. 


Interesting Facts To Know About Liver Transplants in India

  • The number of people waiting for liver transplants typically exceeds the availability.
  • Also, operating into taking a portion of the liver from a living donor is possible. The human liver can regenerate and return to its standard size quickly. 

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What Is A Chronic Liver Failure?

A variety of reasons promote chronic liver failure. Well, these are the most significant situation that causes chronic liver failure-

  • Cirrhosis- In this liver disorder, scar tissue replaces the normal liver tissues, which does not let the liver function adequately. It is one of the most prominent liver failure conditions. 
  • Hepatitis B and C.
  • Liver malfunctioning due to alcoholism. Excessive alcohol consumption leads to liver malfunctioning significantly and at a high cost.
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. In this medical condition, the patient suffers from excess fat buildup in their liver that inflames the tissues, damaging the liver cells.
  • Having a family history of a liver problem. In this medical situation, the patient commonly suffers from excess iron accumulation in the liver. As for Wilson’s disease, the patient suffers from excess copper buildup in the liver. 
  • Liver disease that affects the bile-transporting tubes. Here the patient may have primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, and biliary atresia(the most definitive cause for children undergoing a liver transplant in India).
  • Liver Cancer. A Liver transplant has the potency to cure this fatal situation. 


How To Prepare For The Liver Transplant in India?

When the patient is evaluated with liver disease and the intense requirement of a Liver Transplant in India, having preparation helps the patient and the family a lot. 

Types of medical tests typically undertaken?

  • General health examination– These tests check any other health conditions which can hinder the liver transplant in the first place.
  • Imaging tests-Here, the patient undergoes an ultrasound of the liver.
  • Laboratory tests– The patient needs to evaluate their urine and blood test to check the health condition of the liver.
  • Heart tests- The test is to verify the current condition of the body’s cardiovascular system.

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The above tests may be accompanied with-

  • Addiction counseling- Overconsumption is one of the primary reasons for liver damage. Hence the medical practitioner must keep a keen eye on the addiction level of the patient.
  • Financial counseling- Discussing the finances before undergoing the transplant is pretty essential. The patient needs to have a clear understanding of the expenditure of the Liver Transplant in India(this includes the before and after surgical procedures as well.)
  • Nutrition counseling- The expert in this field determines the required nutrition before and after the patient’s surgery.
  • Psychological counseling- The patient needs to be checked for every type of mental issue, such as depression and anxiety, and not experience any mental breakdown during the surgery.


What Is Domino Liver Transplant in India?

This is a sporadic type of Liver Transplant in India where the patient receives a healthy liver from a living donor diagnosed with familial amyloidosis(a rare medical condition where abnormal protein builds up, ultimately damaging the internal organs). 


Why would the patient receive a liver from a diseased donor?

Keeping in priority the need for a liver transplant, the patient with familial amyloidosis first undergoes a liver transplant to treat their physiological situation. 

After successfully completing the surgery, the donor submits their liver to the needy through a Domino liver transplant. 

On a cautionary note, there are high chances of the patient developing familial amyloidosis in the future. However, this takes around ten years. 

The age of the donor typically stands to be 55 and above. People from this age group do bear the slightest chance(almost negligible) of developing familial amyloidosis. Once the transplant is taken care of, the patient will be monitored. 

Your medical professional would first understand whether your liver transplant can wait. They might also consider other medical treatments before your transplant.  


Liver Transplant in India- The Surgery

The surgeon makes an incision across the stomach. The area, along with the size of the incision, varies from patient to patient. The professional gently replaces the damaged liver with a fully functioning one, connecting the vessels and the bile tubes with the donated liver. 


The operation can last up to 12 hours, depending on the medical condition’s gravity. After the surgery, the surgeon uses staples or stitches to close the incision. Immediately after the surgery, the patient is taken to the ICU(intensive Care Unit).


Liver Transplant in India- The Surgery From a Living Donor  

When the patient undergoes a Liver Transplant from a living donor, the surgery gets scheduled beforehand. The medical professionals first operate on the donor, removing a portion of the healthy liver. The professional replaces the damaged liver with a fully functioning one, connecting the vessels and the bile tubes with the donated liver. As already mentioned, the remaining liver inside the living donor will regenerate, eventually returning to its original volume in some weeks.


What is the liver transplant cost in India?

The survey shows that, on average, the liver transplant cost in India is around 25 Lakh to 30 Lakh if operated under the best liver transplant hospital in India. 

Are there free liver transplant hospitals in India?

Patients who can exhibit BPL(Below Poverty Line) cards are eligible to avail of free liver transplants in some states of the Country. 


In Conclusion 

When you are at CureBridge, you are assured to be at the right place. The medical experts from CureBridge offer you the precise level of treatment not only for a liver transplant but for every necessary surgery needed to live a healthy life.

The state-of-the-art facilities, the smart treatment process, the customized treatment plan, smooth travel and stay conditions, and more are neatly taken care of by CureBridge, so why not? Get connected with CureBridge and learn everything from the professionals today!!

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  • February 15, 2023

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